Finally! After a very long and cold winter, all snow has disappeared and I am digging in the dirt! Things are growing! Above is a picture of one of my most valuable plants. It's a hellebore and I grew it from seed!This will be it's second summer. If you know anything about hellebores, you know that growing them from seed takes a great deal of patience and sometimes two spring seasons. I am hoping more of the same seed will sprout this spring, maybe. Germinating hellebore seed is tricky. They are very expensive plants to buy but so beautiful and very hardy! This one was growing in the snow!

I also have primulas from seed. These little babies are doing well after their winter's sleep! I love primulas!

This year I am putting in a second cold frame. My first cold frame is already full! It is planted with all my tender bulbs. I just planted them directly into the soil in the bottom of the cold frame. They can grow in there permanently, although I will put one dahlia in the "chair". They filled the entire cold frame space and so I need another one. I have a small portable greenhouse, but it is very small and doesn't even hold my seedling trays, much less the larger trays of potted up plants. Don't take that wrong. I love my little greenhouse but I need more room.

It will be well worth the trouble.
I am considering making a three sided compost bin with pallets (skids) that sits beside the two coldframes. It will be so handy, right beside the deck where I can just walk out and toss the kitchen compost bucket in it during the wintertime.
That's a project that can wait until I have nothing else to do...(LOL! Now, that's funny!)