Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) is becoming the new age way to farm. It is the only way for a small family farm to stay in business these days. It is the "farm share" concept put into practice. It works the same way as "cow shares", so much in the news lately. Also available are egg share farms and shares for anything else that the government and marketing boards have such a tight hold on.
Basically, the consumer is buying shares of ownership in the farm and are, therefore, part owners rather than simple customers. They can then partake of anything the farm produces for the amount of time that they pay their share of the cost in partnership fees.
This allows a lot more freedom of choice for the consumer and organically grown, fresh produce for much less than it would cost in the supermarket. Depending on the farm and type of partnership shares offered, consumers can have their portion of all vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs, cut flowers, eggs, baked goods, farm soap, dairy products, meats, honey and other things not available to the general public due to legal restrictions and marketing boards. It also gives them access to things they would otherwise no be able to afford in the supermarket.
Although many CSA farms offer only vegetables, some offer egg shares, dairy shares and meat shares sold separately. You usually pay a separate fee for each one. Occasionally, a really good farm will combine everything offered with occasional home baked cookies, pies, jams and pickles processed on the farm. Especially in the months when grown vegetables are more scarce, i.e. early season May and late season October.
It benefits the farmer by allowing him to sell everything he has available, directly from the farm without added costs for sales or transportation. Many of the seasons costs are covered ahead of time by the CSA partnership fees. Most farm shares are paid for up front each year in the spring or the season is divided in half and two payments are made. Either way is good for both the farmer and the consumer.
Ownership in a farm can have a downside. The consumer also takes the same risks as the farmer. Bad weather, drought, insects and other unncontrollable circumstances can reduce the vegetables by quite a bit and destroy some altogether. There is no refund for a poor season, you take the bad with the good, just like any other farm owner does.
Vegetable farm shares usually come in two choices:
One bushel basket per week for a family of four, called "a full share"
Half a bushel per week for a childless couple or single person, called a "half share". If you have a large family of six or eight adults and nearly adults, you can buy a share and a half, which is a combination of the two, or two full shares. These are just what I have seen this year, in this area. Farms can arrange this any way that is convenient for them and the customers.
Delivery is not usually included in the price, if it is offered. Some farms deliver and some require you to pick up your shares, some with substitutes offered on hand. Many folks like coming to the farm to pick up their baskets. This gives them the opportunity to see what is produced first hand and to chat with the farmer and other partners. Some farms have other items for sale to the public that can be bought when farm shares are picked up.
Farm shares usually start in late May or early June and continue through until late September or early October with a basket every week of whatever the farm is producing at that time. Usually 18-19 weeks are offered, with extensions on either end if growing conditions are favourable. Obviously you won't get everything offered every week, as it is all locally grown and seasonal for your area. Farms that sell shares usually have a greenhouse or cold frame(s) to start early and end late, thereby giving their farming partners the fresh vegetables as long as possible.
I have considered starting a CSA farm. I would include more than just vegetables, hoping to compensate for the occasional poor vegetable selection with other things, like handmade soap, candles, baked goods, jam, pickles, etc.
Planning would be a large part of the work. Planning and planting for a specific number of weekly boxes and limiting the customer base to just what we are able to supply. Making sure there is something growing and ready for each week of the season and preparing to fill out the boxes with everything the farm produces, i.e. soap, candles, herbs, fresh flowers, farm crafts, etc.
I think Fort Nelson would benefit a lot from a CSA farm in the area. At this point in time, however, I am planning on using all of my available gardening space to grow food for the Food Bank.