Friday, February 19, 2010

New Innovative Cat Bed Design

Who says keeping a pet is expensive?


Clayton said...

Our cat Ed is prone to trying out any new box left in our porch where he lives.
I worked at the University Crop Science Field Lab and there was a cat there who would crawl into an open box and be there at home time and get locked in for the night where she could not get food and water. Finally the gal who kind of looked after the cat posted signs asking people to be sure and find the cat before they locked up.

Sheryl at Providence North said...

I have heard that all cats like boxes. I brought that one home from the grocery store just a couple of days ago. I think I will keep it for him. It seems to be just the right size for a cozy bed.

Anonymous said...

Your post made me smile.
I had a himalayan cream/blue named Oliver. He was an absolute baby and very laid back or should I say lazy???? His nickname Ollie fit him far better. Anyway we raised parrots and used 4 l. buckets to feed them. When the buckets were brought in after the morning chores I usually set them on the pool table (yes, covered) in the rec room. Ollie would curl up in that darn bucket as soon as he was big enough to jump up onto the table. He continued to curl up in it from then on... but as he grew there was definite 'cat overflow'. He didn't seem to mind. What a joy he was.

Sheryl at Providence North said...

Thank you for visiting my blog! Ollie sounds like a sweet fellow!

The JR said...

Cats can find the craziest places to take a nap.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I have one of those too.