I made a squash pie this morning! I forgot the sugar.
It looks wonderful! Probably doesn't taste that good...
So, any suggestions as to what I can do with a sugarless squash pie?
As to how I do these things, well, you can take your pick: senior's moment, too many things on my mind, need for sustenance, busy chatting. I think I knew, subconsciously, that we were out of sugar :-)
Oh well, we can't all be perfect, or graceful, or even sometimes mentally present at all...
What about Brulee the sugar on top before you eat it....
Or top it with ice cream!
oh, it happens. I don't have any other suggestions than the toppings that were suggested. I did the same thing with some nice organic pumpkin. It was very disappointing after feeling so good about all the fine ingredients that went into it & the pie looking so good and all.
We ate part of it anyway, the chickens got the rest.
maybe some confectionary sugary or make it a frosting
nothing wrong with frosting on a pie:) merengue perhaps... i screw up a lot of stuff by forgetting ingredients.. most are still edible just not what i intended them to be:)
Man, I've done that! Sure does make it a mess after that.
I'd sieve some icing sugar on top and serve it with dollop cream or ice cream. Yum! It looks really good. I like the brulee suggestion too, goodness me that would be good :)
Ooooo, the brulee would be good! Hmmm...might give that a try.
We eat the regular pie with ice cream or whipped topping.
I so wanted to take squash pie with me to a friend's tomorrow. She just got out of the hospital and it's her favourite dessert! Oh well, I know she will understand, maybe...I'll take her some squash muffins instead. I already have those made.
When it's the most important is when it goes wrong. Murphy's law.
I would hate to see all your hard work go to waste! I don't know if this would work, but I would scoop out the filling, mix in your sweetener of choice, and then put it back in the shell. Smooth out the top of the filling and disguise the mess with a topping of chopped pecans or walnuts (or just spread some whipped cream over the top). I often top my pumpkin pies with nuts...just might work for you!
Easy, just pass the sugar bowl, LOL. Reminds me of a Little House book where Laura forgot to add sugar to a pie. Her guest politely helped himself to the sugar, sweetened his pie and said it was just the way he liked it. Maybe a nice sweet sauce to pour over each piece(?)
P.S. When it comes to baking, I always forget the salt :)
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