Well, it's that time again. Time to prepare the beds for winter. Last week I dug up the dahlias, cannas and glads. Some people have success keeping the glads in the ground here, but it's borderline. Since we never know how cold it will get (had -40c several years back) I dig them up too.
I am blessed with a stone cold cellar under my very old porch, that's the right temperature and damp enough to keep them fairly well over the winter. I do lose the little dahlias so I keep them in big clumps until spring. I split them in the spring, if possible. They have their "eyes" then so I can make sure each split has a growing piece.

Wintering them over as houseplants is an experiment and something I have not tried before. I cut them right back and let them dry out before potting them up and they have small sprouts now. We'll see how it goes. I have read that they don't do well indoors and are prone to spider mites. I have some tobacco handy to boil and make organic insecticide. I wouldn't spray it on food items but I don't plan to eat the dahlias. (Dahlias are edible, btw ;-)

I like the soaking in water at Christmas idea. I will soak the geraniums and four o'clocks too.
I dug up the showy geraniums this year and am attempting to winter those roots over in the cellar. This is the first year for this also. I washed the soil off and hung them upside down in the cellar with the onions. Some I potted up to grow as houseplants. I do this every year with geraniums and it works great. They bloom their little heads off all winter long and get quite large. I usually make several cuttings in the early spring so I have a lot of them for the big pots outside in June.

I have some flourescent lights I would like to install for an indoor winter garden. I'm just not sure how to do the wiring and I need to get bulbs for them, I think. I haven't really looked at it yet. I'm sure I'll figure it out. I have become quite adept at DIY scrounging, troubleshooting and puzzles! I like a challenge!
I want this indoor garden enough to spend some time on it soon. I'm hoping to grow some tomatoes, peppers and lettuce indoors all winter! I have a large patio door that faces south with no overhang and lots of space for shelving. I only need to supplement the lighting at both ends of the day during the cheap power hours and maybe all day on weekends when days are their shortest.
I've found out that if I have to dig up plants in the fall in order to 'save' them, they are not the plants for me. Restricts me a bit, but also saves me money & grief. I've actually let my glads remain in the ground & even though they don't bloom each year, they'll bloom really late - almost end of September.
I also have rosemary that I'm a bit concerned about - there are a few I moved into the greenhouse for the winter & then some living in my flower boxes - which are right beside the house & should keep warm enough for the winter. I think it's the rain that drowns them & then sudden cold snaps that freezes them into solid ice chunks that kills them. If we had a snow cover, I don't think it would be too much of an issue.
I do have scented geraniums in the house for the winter. I love the smell & the shape of their leaves & strangely enough, they are requiring more care & attention now that they are inside than they received all summer long outdoors.
I love the geraniums in the house in the winter too! They get huge and bloom all winter long! I keep cutting them back and rooting the pieces to keep them from getting leggy, ditto for the coleus that I brought inside.
I like the bulbs that I dig up because I can put them in a different place the following year. I like to move things around out there.
We get snow cover here but the rosemary still doesn't make it. This year I am determined to start the early spring with several rosemary plants!
I'm glad I don't have to dig up my cannas.
And so far my Rosemary has made it thru winter too.
I have kept rosemary in my house over the winter successfully. I just put them in a South facing window, no extra light. The most important thing to remember is do not let them dry out completely. Make sure the pot soil is well draining but kept watered.
The beautiful thing about winter rosemary is the leaves are so tender :)
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