Our cat, Chisel, needs someone to play with, a friend and companion, so we decided to acquire another kitten. You can read about Chisel in a previous post "Lost and Found".
I placed an ad on kijiji for a young cat, less than about a year old that is neutered, not declawed and short haired with a sweet personality, either gender. I got a few answers to my ad. The first one was just around the corner from us, right here in town, so I gave them a call. They dropped this little girl off at our place today.

She is about 6 months old, spayed and even micro-chipped. She is, of course, scared to death right now and will need some time to adjust to her new home. Poor Chisel is very interested in her but she is afraid of him and is spitting and clawing at him when he comes near. He is complaining about this, loudly, at present. He doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body and just wants to be friends. I am sure they will be great buddies when she settles down. Chisel forgets that he spent his entire first day with us hiding under the couch.
She has been here for a couple of hours now and she and Chisel are still keeping their distance, she sptting at him and he complaining about it. I do hope they get to be good friends! I am a little worried about it right now but we are willing to give her time to settle in here and accept him.
We adopted a set of wild kittens that were about 6 weeks old once. They had never been around people before. They spit and growled at us, at first. It was only about two weeks before they climbed up our legs to snuggle in our lap every time we sat down and cried at the bedroom door to sleep with us. Young ones adapt very quickly. We hope she will too.
She is a beauty and looks very girly girly...... I hope Chisel comes to love her, I bet he does, takes time like you said. What are you going to name her or does she have a name already?
Just beautiful! She looks like the original Aristocat with her serene royal demeanor. 2 cats are definitely better than one because they double the fun. She looks very well cared for. Good luck!
She'll be ruling the roost in no time at all.
Gorgeous kitty!
She was born with the name Katrina, but due to the catastrophe, it was changed to Jemma by her first family, from whom we just got her.
We don't like either name and we are waiting to see what her personality will be before naming her. In the mean time we are calling her "Little Girl", which she will probably be called a lot anyway. (Chisel answers to "Little One" now, as well as "Chisel".)
She is pretty!! Our 2 cats were strays and bit and clawed everyone! But of course they aren't like now!
She does look very prim and proper, very much the little lady, doesn't she? I love the markings on a tabby. We've had mostly male cats, but the females were named Claire, Mandy, and Phoebe. Right now we have a male, Casey. It's a good idea to wait for a name until you can see her personality. I hope there will be peace in your home soon, lol.
What a beautiful kitten! Such gentle looking eyes. Thanks for sharing with us about her!
Your new kitten is a beautiful girl! I'm sure she will adjust in a few days.
We adopted two new kitties from the local shelter a few months ago, after our dear old yellow boy passed away. We just can't imagine a house without cats is in it.
I do love having a cat and Chisel is the sweetest little fellow. The new girl and Chisel were up all night, scrapping. She was, anyway, growling and clawing at everything and chasing each other around and around. It kept my son up all night.
A very lovely addition to your family and a very lucky one as well. She is adorable.:) Good for you for adopting her.
What a pretty girl. It won't take long and she'll LUV everybody.
She is already warming up to everyone, especially Hubby. He's by far her favourite and she's daddy's little sweetie!
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