Spring is usually on the 21st, but not always. This year is it today. The days will get longer quite fast now and the sun will be warmer.
We still have about another three weeks before we can say the winter weather has truely passed, unfortunately. This is a frustrating time of year for gardeners.

When mid April arrives, in about three weeks, all my little veggie seedlings will go outside, some in the coldframes and some directly into the garden.

There are a lot of green sprouts in the flower bed and the herbs are looking green again. I have fresh thyme and oregano to use! I have been waiting all winter for that. Next year I think I will grow some herbs on the windowsill or under lights in the kitchen.

I planted the primulas into the garden yesterday. They had been hardening off for a few days on the front porch. They can take the freezing cold nights. The daffodils and tulips are poking their heads above ground, the irises are growing and many other perennials are showing signs of waking up.

Your photos make me happy today...the first day of spring! It's going to snow here today but it won't last long since the temps will be warming up nicely next week. I can't wait to get outside and plant. Looking forward to seeing more of your gardens this year.
Happy Springtime to you, too! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos. I especially like the chicken photo - I can see your shadow in the corner cast by the much welcomed bright sun.
We had one day of Spring and then it un-Sprung. We had snow and sleet flurries yesterday.
Snow and sleet in MS (3rd time). What's going on?
That is really strange, Ramona! I didn't know you guys ever got snow!
It was sunny today and warm but is going to be very cold and rainy again tomorrow. Its below freezing every night. The seedlings are going in and out daily now, maybe not at all tomorrow.
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