Look at all those wild grapes! I would love to pick them when they are ready and make either wild grape jelly or wine!

This picture was taken from an upstairs bedroom window. The grapevines are growing on a old TV antennae just outside the window. The ground is a long
way down!
Any suggestions on how to harvest these grapes without actually climbing out there and breaking my neck? If I pulled the vines down from the ground, would the grapes still be attached and intact?
I've been using a ladder to get figs from the top branches of the trees...
I think it might break the vines.
I could climb something, either a ladder or the TV antennae but I'm just not good with heights. I had planned to cut it down to make wreaths with this year anyway. It's not growing in a good place.
Sheryl I have it growing everywhere...we have lived here for 20 years and I worked the first 3years cleaning it out and there is just no way to keep it from coming back. Just use it to make wreaths and whatever else you would like to do with them. I also wrap it around our metal arbor so the jasmine will have something to grab hold of that will go where I want it. Good luck. By the way I am enjoying your site.
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