I made the decision a few years ago to grow my hair out, very long. Only recently have I discovered using hair forks and sticks and I love them, particularly forks! These are usually very expensive at stores and online, so I have been experimenting with making my own.
I have a DIY personality to the extreme! lol! I must try to make it myself before I give up and buy one and I can make so many more when I do it myself.
The picture above is a hair fork I recently made. (I wouldn't be caught dead wearing pink. This one is for a friend.) It's steel, shaped, sanded and painted by me with beads added. Here is another picture of the one above:

I have made several of these. Here is one I made for myself, in my hair. I like copper! It goes with just about everything I wear and I have other copper jewelry to go with it.

The copper wire is not as neatly done as I would like. I was just playing around with old wire I had on hand. I'm going to redo it with neater, tighter wrapping.
I also have them painted with a high gloss lacquer in dark violet, burgandy, rusty copper, burnt red. I hope to acquire other colours soon, maybe some blues and greens! I am going to experiment with twirling the paint colours or just dipping the pointed ends into another, coordinating colour!
Making things yourself is so much more rewarding and fun than buying everything, and cheaper too! I can make one to go with everything I wear and give some to friends!
The one at the top is the only one that I have finished so far. I love the way they look in the hair.
These are made with heavy, galvanized steel fencing wire. I sanded it then shaped it. After getting the shape I want, I file all the marks off until it is smooth and paint it with nail polish. Ta-da! Hair forks! Seriously, it is so easy!
Sheryl, what a lovely piece of art...hair art! I'm growing my hair, too. It's past my shoulders but I would like to try growing it to my waist. My hair is quite thick, does your hair fork really hold the hair securely? Do you have to add any other fasteners, like bobby pins?
Hi Brenda! I'm hoping to grow mine at least to my waist too, if not my knees.
The hair forks do a great job of holding my hair. The pictures of my hair with the black and copper fork is the way I usually do it. It's very secure and will last all day.
I usually do the French twist like the first video, but with the fork sideways like in the second video, instead of vertical. That seems to hold it the best. I also like the figure 8 bun with a fork. It holds well too.
You just have to practice with it a little to find out where it holds for your own hair.
I will try to watch those videos today. I hope that I can learn to put my hair up like that because I've never been very adept at fixing my hair. My skill level can manage a pony tail and that's about it! But I would love to wear the French twist or a bun! Take care...
The are awesome! I have an extreme DIY personality too. It comes in handy on a farm. :)
I love it!!! I've used chopsticks in the past, and think that is the coolest thing ever. I'm gonna have to give the hair forks a try!
I forgot to answer one question from Brenda. I don't use anything else, no pins or anything like that, just the fork or sometimes two sticks. The sideways fork holds better than sticks.
Pass a fork please! I love my long hair but I don't always know what to do with it...I actually never thought to check youtube for tutorials on hairstyles...now I'm hooked! Thanks for the idea!
Just one more thought. It would be great if you could post your own demonstration video showing us how you use your hair fork. I'm not sure how to post videos, yet, but if you do, that would be great! Just a thought...
You know what, Brenda, that's a good idea! I might just do that! I have a new camera that takes videos, just haven't figured it out yet. I'm going to work on that this week!
Hi Sheryl. I am introducing you to Norah over at The Vine. http://aagaardfarms.blogspot.com/
Maybe you have met online. Both of you do such a good job with information on self sufficiency! How about a portrait shot!
Hi Clayton! I will go read her blog as soon as I get a chance! She sounds interesting! Thank you very much for that!!
lol! The closest thing you will get to a portrait of me is the head shot halfway up the post ;-)
I love your hair fork. Although, I am not finding a link or email to contact in regards to purchasing one from you. Let me know howe else to contact you and how much they are.
I'm glad you like my hair forks! Thanks you!
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. You can send me an email with the colour that you would like and your mailing address.i will email a Paypal invoice to you and get it into the mail to you asap.
How's that sound? You can email me through this site if you click on the "About me". You can also send it to artbysheryl at hotmail.com.
I am interested in a dark purple and a red fork. Please let me know how much they are?
I am camping off grid in the northern rockies at the moment, so I am not making the hair forks just now. I will be making them again next summer. If you are still interested in purchasing a couple, please contact me again in June. You can contact me directly at: artbysheryl at hotmail.com.
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