I recently visited a friend's place, Janet, and found the perfect spice jar! It's metal and has a glass top.

These spice jars have a pour and a sprinkle area on the side of the lid.

All of these things are good, but that is not what makes this jar so special. This jar is MAGNETIC! You can put a metal plate on your wall for them to stick to or you can just attach them to
anything metal.
They stick to my microwave! I could keep them there but that's not the best place to
keep them.

good idea.)
I can stick them on my oven!

I can stick them to my freezer!

I can even stick them to my car!! (Maybe not.)

I stuck all of them to my refrigerator! They are even in alphabetical order. I can read the name at a glace because I painted it on there myself. There's lots of room and I can see what
is inside.
Another good thing about these jars is the price. They were only $2 each! I'm going to get a lot of them and keep all kinds of things in them, stuck to the refrigerator. I LOVE my new toy!
Kudos to the person who invented those spice jars. I'm going to be watching for them in the stores. I'm sure they will be a big seller.
I got them at Walmart (Shhhhh)
Those are toooo neat!!
Wow! What a great idea! Narrow mouthed spice jars are a pet peeve for me too. Of course, most of the time I can only find my 1/4 teaspoon measure anyway, so even with nice mouths I'd probably be doing the multi-spoon thing.
WalMART!!!! I'm on my way! I so agree with you...these look just perfect!
I like them.
Very nice! I just made a batch of 'everything seasoning' & was wishiharandng for some nice jars to put them in.
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