It snowed and its still snowing and will continue to snow, apparently, all week long. This is my poor chicken house, buried. I'm glad we don't have chickens right now and have opted not to get any this winter.
This is what I am installing an electric fence in!! The ground is not frozen yet, thank goodness, or I'd be getting nowhere fast! As it is, it's cold. It's several degrees below freezing with a big wind. Thankfully, I have outdoor wear just for this kind of thing! I bought farmgirl boots last spring that are 100% waterproof, have a steel shank and toe and are good to -40! They're great boots! I had to order them special because the store didn't carry my size but they delivered them to my door with no extra charge. That's good service!

This is the barbecue. I don't think we'll be using it anytime soon, but one never knows.

I got the snow blower out of the garage summer storage a couple of weeks ago and parked it next to the driveway where we keep it in winter. Hubby put new gas in it and got it going a few days ago. Just in time!
I don't mind it for a few weeks, unfortunately it lasts much longer than that! I'm sick of winter by the time spring comes! It always catches me by surprise when I still have things to do. I'm never really ready for it.
Most of the posts and wire holders for the fence are already in place, just need to fill a few gaps with "hammer-in" metal posts before the ground freezes. I'm using a few trees too, which are already there.
This snow is making it hard to drive anywhere. The city doesn't have full time snow plow drivers until after Dec 15th so the first few snowfalls bring traffic to a standstill. The school buses have been cancelled for the past two days. This makes hubby happy as he drives one and gets paid to stay home.
I had to clean my mailbox out of the ditch for the first time yesterday, after the snow plow took it out. That's always a winter harbinger for us.
Well, it's December in Ontario...
That's a lot of snow. I personally hate the stuff, so know I'll be living here in Mississippi forever!
Our snow isn't that deep but we're having really cold temps. The high yesterday was 17ยบ. That's way too cold for me.
I don't mind the snow, but I am very tired of the wind. Oopps I do mind the snow and I'm very tired of the wind...and the lack of color..and oh, heck...it isn't even Christmas yet and I'm ready for spring.
We are having those temps now too. It would not be too bad if it weren't for the wind. We have the winter gear and clothing for this. We will get much colder temps in Jan/Feb, after the winter solstice. I'm hoping to get the fence done in the next few days, before then. One does not work outside much in sub zero weather.
It's been snowing here in Upper Michigan for a few days, the temps have dropped and the wind comes and goes. WINTER!!! I shouldn't complain, I used to live in North Pole Alaska and remember over a month straight of -50, that's right MINUS FIFTY. brrr...
stay warm!
We had snow here then it all went after a week - more forecast - eek! Was OK until the wind came and made massive drifts everywhere - love the blog I've just found it tonight - am subscribing - thank you! I'm the other side of the pond.......
Welcome from the other side of the pond! We have gotten a lot more snow in the past few days too. It just keeps coming!
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